Goat Locker Real Estate
A Real Estate Investment and Education Distribution Company

By: Scott | May 17, 2019

This is something I see every day. Heck it is something I have been guilty of.
There is a massive difference in learning and doing. I see people attend every single webinar, study every new product that comes out and spend 90% of their time studying. 
It’s great to learn when you start, but at the end of the day the only thing that will move you forward in your business is putting in the work. 
You should work 80% and study 20%.

Category: Personal Development 


By: Scott | March 21, 2019

I often see people with big goals, but when it comes time to put in the work they stop at the first sign of defeat.
I see it every day when I login to my Back Office to look at the stats and see that most people don't even go through 10% of the training.
I've rebuilt systems that make training a million times simpler for people to understand. I've put my heart and soul into this, to make it so people don't have to buy $150,000 + in courses to learn what they need...
Yet most people don't go through it because it requires their time.
I have purchased a group coaching programs for $2,000 per year.
I estimate there is 200-300 videos in the training covering many aspects of business. Each averaging 1 hrs.
I plan to go through everything.... literally...

By: Scott | March 07, 2019

My greatest fear in life is being in the same place I am now next year.

If I’m not growing I’m dying inside one minute at a time...

Being stagnant, feeling stuck or just being comfortable is not an option.

A life without making progress is unhealthy mentally.

Everyday I do everything I can to mature my mind, enhance and develop my skills and progress forward.

Time only moves forward not backwards.

The worst feeling in the world is every year on January 1st when you look back in time and realize that you wasted another year of your life and didn’t achieve your goals because you let your fear and doubts stop you.

Wishing, wanting, hoping isn’t going to change anything…..

It just makes you feel worse when you don’t take action on your dreams.
